Chapter Grants Awarded in 2023

2023 Chapter Grant Awards

UUAM chapters play a vital role in our mission, serving as the lifeblood of our work. Through their diverse initiatives, they not only raise awareness about the importance of animals but also provide direct support when needed. We understand the financial constraints these groups often face, which is why we have long supported their efforts through our chapter grant program.

In 2023, UUAM had $1,000 available in grant funds specifically designated for local chapters. This amount was double our usual funding, thanks to a generous contribution from Ken and Sandy Nelson, who were passionate about this cause. The response we received was fantastic, with an array of worthwhile proposals. We were delighted to be able to partially fund all six proposals.

Here is the list of recipients for the 2023 UUAM Chapter Grants, along with the titles of their proposals and the amounts awarded:

Canadian Unitarians for Social Justice (CUSJ)

Establishing a UUAM Chapter for Canada, $110

Community Church Unitarian Universalist New Orleans

Celebrating and Promoting a Plant-Based/Vegan Diet, $300

Heart of the Carolinas Unitarian Universalist Animal Ministry

Building fences to free dogs from chains, $100

Unitarian Church of Hinsdale

Providing homes for pollinators, $150

Unitarian Church North (Mequon, WI)

Installing bat and bee boxes onsite, $110

Unitarian Universalist Church of Fresno California

Establishing a new Chapter, normalizing plant-based eating, and children’s education activities, $300

Click here for the current cycle of the UUAM Chapter grant awards, and to apply!